Saint Gabriel Theological Press
The books below are published by Saint Gabriel Theological Press, in conjunction with Lulu Enterprises.
The Life and Times of Hildebrand, Pope Gregory VII
The Life and Times of Rodrigo Borgia
The Divine Liturgy of the Holy Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Graeco-Russian Church
The Old Roman Catholic Pew Missal
The Ceremonies of Holy Week in Churches with Only One Priest
A History of the Mass and its Ceremonies in the Eastern and Western Church
The Mass and Vestments of the Catholic Church: Liturgical, Doctrinal, Historical and Archeological
Sources of Modern Conscience
A Theory of Beauty on the Walls of San Marco
Costume of Prelates of the Catholic Church
Episcopal Odyssey
Old Roman Catholicism
Old Roman Catholic Catechism
The Old Catholic Church
The Life and Times of Hildebrand, Pope Gregory VII
The Life and Times of Rodrigo Borgia
The Divine Liturgy of the Holy Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Graeco-Russian Church
The Old Roman Catholic Pew Missal
The Ceremonies of Holy Week in Churches with Only One Priest
A History of the Mass and its Ceremonies in the Eastern and Western Church
The Mass and Vestments of the Catholic Church: Liturgical, Doctrinal, Historical and Archeological
Sources of Modern Conscience
A Theory of Beauty on the Walls of San Marco
Costume of Prelates of the Catholic Church
Episcopal Odyssey
Old Roman Catholicism
Old Roman Catholic Catechism
The Old Catholic Church